2 Timothy 2:20-21
20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.
What is a vessel used for? Some vessels carry blood. Blood vessels. Some vessels carry cargo. Cargo vessels. And some vessels carry messages. That’s us. We are to be the vessel that carries the message of Christ to a world that needs to hear this message.
But these verses say that there are different kinds of vessels. Some vessels are of honor and some vessels are of dishonor. Are you living an honorable life? Because if you are not living an honorable life, then God will not use you for good works. I have heard it asked by many people, “How can I get God to use my life?” This verse makes it very simple… live a life of honor. Cleanse yourself, allow yourself to be sanctified.
Let's put it this way. If you go over to someone's house and they have two plates, one plate is clean and perfect and the other one is gross and disgusting, which plate would you use? The obvious answer is the clean one. God's choice is no different. He would rather use the clean plate too.
If you want to truly reach your community for the cause of Christ, if you want to be used yourself by God to do amazing things then you must strive to be holy… always… holiness matter to God.
I think that if God were to tell you right now what He could do in your life if you would let Him that it would blow your mind. But God can never do these amazing things in your life until you become a vessel than He can use. A vessel of honor. Nothing is a substitute for personal holiness and moral authority.
You see, you can fool people when you are in a crowd. You can convince people that you are a vessel of honor. But the true measure of who you are as a person is what you are like when no one is around.
So when it comes time for God to use you, will you be ready? And the true question that it comes down to then is this… are you more interested in your sin or being used by God?
And if you are more interested in being used by God then you must surrender to the process of sanctification. You must strive every day to be more and more like Jesus, you must strive to be a vessel of honor.
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