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Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well my faithful blog readers. Life is good, and God is on the throne!
I have been writing all summer about change and about how weird it is here at church with no kids running around, and no teachers hanging out. It is almost time for that to change.
This week is when the teachers came back to the school which means that it is not nearly as quiet around here, and it also means that me and my wife are working at the same place again. Life is good, and I am looking forward to all the kids coming back here, even if they may not be.
And of course, this past Sunday was our first service in the new building. It was an amazing, awesome service and I thank God for every moment of it. It didn't come easy. The enemy started to attack and he is still attacking. We know and believe that God is about ready to do some incredible things through the life of NorthRidge Church and due to this the Devil is scared.

I used to not think that the devil attacks in such ways, but I do not believe it to be a coincidence that whenever things start to roll around here, things to seem to get so much more difficult. But here is the good news, while the devil is mighty... GOD IS ALMIGHTY!!!!!

When I think of all of the sacrifice that Pastor David put into the rebuilding process, and when I think of all of the other Pastors faithfully following behind him without complaint, and when I think of the countless hours that volunteers put into getting this building back to where it is now... it overwhelms me.
However, it must be noted and it must be remembered that the church is not a building. The church is the body of believers that follow after Christ. It is so easy to take a church building and to make it an idol. It is so easy to marvel at our new seats, and new colors, and new sound system, and the entire beauty of our new sanctuary. But if we ever put that building above God then we are in huge trouble.
Our pastor has said this to us for the last month now, if not more, and it is a true concern of his. The thing is when I walk in that building I do not see a building... I see what God has done. When I walk in that building I do not see a building... I see Jehovah-Jireh.
God allowed that old church building to burn down, but he never left us alone. It was difficult and it was tedious, but there was always a way for it to be done. God is good and He is worthy to be praised!

Praise God!


P.S. Leave a comment.


Jackie said...

Satan attacked more than just our Sanctuary, almost a year ago, he attacked a body of believers, a church family. What Satan could never have known was how his attack would serve to bring about changes and growth for God's glory! Last Sunday's service was overwhelming to me as I heard Pastor David's heart. The ministry of NorthRidge Church is a true blessing and although I am not in attendance on a regular basis at my home church :) due to our move, I will always keep the body of believers at NorthRidge and all of their ministries in prayer. Blessings, Your sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

Ok heres a comment

Anonymous said...

Tears rooled as i read about Mike Bartlett and your friendship.
Sweet friendships come when one works and prays together....
I , too, will miss Mike and Susan there in Haines city, as that was a close drive from Port charlotte.
therefore, I miss my short visits with the grandchildren!!-The 3 who moved from Haines to NC.
Mikes' mother-Jean