Hello everyone, I am so sorry that it has been so long since my last post. I would like to have a way to let everyone know who is interested when I make a new posting. So if you would like to know when this blog has been updated simply send me an email to
jamesblewett@hotmail.com and when I put on a new post I will send you one email that says New Post with a link to this site. Nothing else. That should help you out.
I want to start out this post in a way that will turn off a lot of people. I want to talk about politics. Our Florida primaries are coming up on January 29th and it is time to put a lot of consideration into who you will be supporting. To wait until next year to vote on the presidential election will be too late since your candidates will already be chosen for you.
I will not tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you who I would vote for. I was reading a book called Spiritual Leadership by Henry Blackaby and in it was a section on what truly separates a spiritual leader from a secular one. The one thing that people like Billy Graham and D.L.Moody and the late D. James Kennedy had in common was that they totally sold out to God. It seems so simple and yet it is so hard. It has nothing to do with education or wealth or knowledge, only total commitment to the maker of the universe.
The author mentioned a specific time when he had a conversation with a very "successful" Pastor from Arkansas who said that he was feeling called to leave the ministry to make a difference in this world through politics. Mike Huckabee left everything he knew to be lieutenant governor and then ultimately governor of Arkansas, and is now in the running to be the next President of the United States.
I have been debated and insulted on this topic by a lot of "very brave" online users who believe that the issues and not religion should be the deciding factor in who to vote for. My answer is the same to you on that topic as it was to my online debaters: a man's values and character will let me know if he will support the issues the way that I would like for them to be supported. In other words, the most important issues to me are the millions of babies legally murdered each year through abortions, the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, and if we elect a president with the moral integrity of the Bible to guide his steps and make his decisions then this country will be a lot better place in four years than it is right now.
I will stop now and get off my soap box, but at least give some thought to what you have just read and remember that Chuck supports Huck.

On to a more lighter topic... do you watch American Gladiators? The show that I used to love when I was a kid has made a comeback. I am pretty
certain that it would not have been made if it were not for the writers strike, but however it got here, it is AWESOME and I hope it stays. Watch it tonight on NBC and watch full episodes at
Anyhow, I am going to tell you what every other youth pastor who has a blog is writing about who watched Gladiators last Monday night, youth pastors rock! Let me explain.
The two contestants last week were a guy who had a rough upbringing but turned his life around and is now teaching Algebra in the very school he was kicked out of, and a man nicknamed the Hebrew Hammer who is a Hurricane survivor who now is a shark fisherman. Unfortunately the Hebrew Hammer got injured on the very first game when he got tackled hard and broke his leg. His injury replacement was none other than Andy Konigsmark... a youth pastor.

This dude was ripped and guess what else... he was good... he finished with the fastest time in the eliminator of any other guy and he had fun the whole way through. I have spoken with this guy through email since last Monday and he seems to be a really cool guy. He has been a model in the past and was a youth pastor and is still in school to finish his
ministry degree, but he moved to California to be stand-up comedian on the side.
When he was first introduced as a youth pastor I had mixed emotions, my first emotion was excitement that there was a youth pastor as cool as I am. The second emotion was fear, because I was afraid he was going to embarrass himself. You see, Gladiators pick contestant that fit into some sort of stereotypical niche. They have had the NYC firefighter, the soldier, the surfer, the rodeo girl, the fitness model, etc. and I was afraid that when they said "Gladiators ready?" that he would answer with a big "Hallelujah!" and set us Christians back a few years in the relevancy department. But what I liked about Andy was that he showed the world that Christians are allowed to have fun, Christians don't have to be a bunch of stiffs, and Christians can whoop your butt on the eliminator.
I am reminded of the scripture in Nehemiah that says "Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." And this is what Andy showed America. So let this be a lesson to you that we can worship God with all that we are and still have fun doing it. We don't have to retreat from the world and lock ourselves in closets but we can be in the world and not of it, and others will benefit from it.
Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.
PS If you want to leave Andy a message or check out his stand up you can go to http://www.myspace.com/Andykonigsmark.
1 comment:
I just ran across your blog. Good stuff man! It is good to read another youth pastor.
Hope you have a great day,
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